Because this posting got held up we've been doing this by email. I
append it here for posterity. I have edited it to take out email
Post by Caroline MaynardKhurrum, apologies for the delay posting this one - I missed it because
Google mail decided that the moderation message from Google Groups was
spam :-(
i cant handle this exception,new to SCA ,dont know why it is
coming,kindly can someone help me..i am trying to expose a
webservice... it is create WSDL but when i try to get the service
object on client it gives this...
Fatal error: Uncaught SCA_RuntimeException: The remote service threw a
soap fault. The text of the response was: thrown in /usr/share/pear/
SCA/Bindings/soap/Proxy.php on line 401
i can send u the code,it is from the sample comes with the app
package... please make sure it is not because of the php as i am
using php 5.16....
Hi Khurrum,
Thanks for getting in touch and sorry to hear that you are having
problems. Do please send me a copy of the application, exactly as you
have it, and I will try it. It should work fine on 5.1.6, by the way.
We should work with 5.1.2 and above.
If I cannot reproduce the error then I will ask you to turn on the
logging inside SCA and we will see what is going on that way, but I'll
tell you how to do that if we need to.
Matthew Peters
Hi Matthew,
Thanks for the response.
Fatal error: Uncaught SCA_RuntimeException: The remote service threw a
soap fault. The text of the response was: <br /> <b>Fatal error</b>:
Call to undefined method SoapServer::setObject() in <b>/usr/share/pear/
SCA/Bindings/soap/ServiceRequestHandler.php</b> on line <b>74</b><br /
Post by Caroline Maynardthrown in /usr/share/pear/SCA/Bindings/soap/Proxy.php on line 401
this is what i am getting also please find the code attached.this i
have found in the examples folder but unable to run it...
Let me know if you have any question?
Thanks & Regards
Khurrum Dawood
Hi Khurrum, this is a useful message. I suspect this is telling us
that you need a more up to date version of the soap extension, i.e.
php_soap.dll. There were changes that went in at about the time of php
5.1.2 that we need - you can see that we are failing because we can't
find the setObject method on SoapServer.
I am glad you tried with more than one version of SCA. This message is
more helpful than the one we gave out in 1.2.3. We are always in a
quandary: if we are debugging we want useful messages about failures
to flow, but in production we want to say nothing about errors. We
should have designed that in from the bottom up but didn't do so, and
now it catches us out now and again.
Matthew Peters