2007-05-17 12:32:13 UTC
Edit report at http://pecl.php.net/bugs/bug.php?id=11004&edit=1
ID: 11004
Updated by: mfp-***@public.gmane.org
Reported By: michael dot caplan at henryschein dot com
Status: Open
Id: 11004
Type: Bug
Package: SCA_SDO
Operating System: CentOS 4
PHP Version: 5.2.1
New Comment:
Mike, this is overkill. We think that the second binding element (the
one in the tns3 namespace, which is really the soap namespace) is
required (we see lots of examples of this for web services on
www.xmethods.net) and we are even more sure that we must have the second
binding element.
Are you able to get any more information about why the wsdl does not
validate? I suspect that it might be to do with the xsi:type elements.
Could you try just taking out those elements? If that is the problem we
could do a quick fix where we suppress them. In fact we do not want SDO
to generate them at all, and it would be useful for us to know that they
cause validation errors for you. After a quick fix, I could raise a
defect report on the SDO code.
Previous Comments:
[2007-05-10 15:34:11] michael dot caplan at henryschein dot com
My WSDL generated does not validate (ran against the oXygen editor and
Mindreef SOAPscope). The bindings elements appears to be adding bogus
child elements (operation contains a child of operation & binding
contains a child of binding).
The following diff fixed these issues:
Z:/michael/labnet_online/api/lib/SCA/Bindings/soap/ServiceDescriptionGenerator.php (revision
Z:/michael/labnet_online/api/lib/SCA/Bindings/soap/ServiceDescriptionGenerator.php (working
@@ -120,18 +120,10 @@
$binding =
$binding->name = "{$class_name}Binding";
$binding->type =
- $soap_binding =
$xmldas->createDataObject(self::SOAP_NAMESPACE, 'tBinding');
- $soap_binding->style = 'document';
- $soap_binding->transport =
- $binding->binding = $soap_binding;
foreach ($service_desc->operations as $op_name => $params)
$binding_operation =
$binding_operation->name = $op_name;
- $soap_operation =
$xmldas->createDataObject(self::SOAP_NAMESPACE, 'tOperation');
- $soap_operation->soapAction = "";
- $binding_operation->operation = $soap_operation;
$bo_input =
$soap_body =
$xmldas->createDataObject(self::SOAP_NAMESPACE, 'tBody');
$bo_input->body = $soap_body;
Expected result:
<binding name="Labnet_API_LabnetOnline_001_ImplementationBinding"
<operation name="getRestorations">
<tns3:body xsi:type="tns3:tBody" use="literal"/>
<tns3:body xsi:type="tns3:tBody" use="literal"/>
Actual result:
<binding name="Labnet_API_LabnetOnline_001_ImplementationBinding"
<operation name="getRestorations">
<tns3:body xsi:type="tns3:tBody" use="literal"/>
<tns3:body xsi:type="tns3:tBody" use="literal"/>
<tns3:operation xsi:type="tns3:tOperation" soapAction=""/>
<tns3:binding xsi:type="tns3:tBinding"
transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" style="document"/>
Edit this bug report at http://pecl.php.net/bugs/bug.php?id=11004&edit=1
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To post to this group, send email to phpsoa-/***@public.gmane.org
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ID: 11004
Updated by: mfp-***@public.gmane.org
Reported By: michael dot caplan at henryschein dot com
Status: Open
Id: 11004
Type: Bug
Package: SCA_SDO
Operating System: CentOS 4
PHP Version: 5.2.1
New Comment:
Mike, this is overkill. We think that the second binding element (the
one in the tns3 namespace, which is really the soap namespace) is
required (we see lots of examples of this for web services on
www.xmethods.net) and we are even more sure that we must have the second
binding element.
Are you able to get any more information about why the wsdl does not
validate? I suspect that it might be to do with the xsi:type elements.
Could you try just taking out those elements? If that is the problem we
could do a quick fix where we suppress them. In fact we do not want SDO
to generate them at all, and it would be useful for us to know that they
cause validation errors for you. After a quick fix, I could raise a
defect report on the SDO code.
Previous Comments:
[2007-05-10 15:34:11] michael dot caplan at henryschein dot com
My WSDL generated does not validate (ran against the oXygen editor and
Mindreef SOAPscope). The bindings elements appears to be adding bogus
child elements (operation contains a child of operation & binding
contains a child of binding).
The following diff fixed these issues:
Z:/michael/labnet_online/api/lib/SCA/Bindings/soap/ServiceDescriptionGenerator.php (revision
Z:/michael/labnet_online/api/lib/SCA/Bindings/soap/ServiceDescriptionGenerator.php (working
@@ -120,18 +120,10 @@
$binding =
$binding->name = "{$class_name}Binding";
$binding->type =
- $soap_binding =
$xmldas->createDataObject(self::SOAP_NAMESPACE, 'tBinding');
- $soap_binding->style = 'document';
- $soap_binding->transport =
- $binding->binding = $soap_binding;
foreach ($service_desc->operations as $op_name => $params)
$binding_operation =
$binding_operation->name = $op_name;
- $soap_operation =
$xmldas->createDataObject(self::SOAP_NAMESPACE, 'tOperation');
- $soap_operation->soapAction = "";
- $binding_operation->operation = $soap_operation;
$bo_input =
$soap_body =
$xmldas->createDataObject(self::SOAP_NAMESPACE, 'tBody');
$bo_input->body = $soap_body;
Expected result:
<binding name="Labnet_API_LabnetOnline_001_ImplementationBinding"
<operation name="getRestorations">
<tns3:body xsi:type="tns3:tBody" use="literal"/>
<tns3:body xsi:type="tns3:tBody" use="literal"/>
Actual result:
<binding name="Labnet_API_LabnetOnline_001_ImplementationBinding"
<operation name="getRestorations">
<tns3:body xsi:type="tns3:tBody" use="literal"/>
<tns3:body xsi:type="tns3:tBody" use="literal"/>
<tns3:operation xsi:type="tns3:tOperation" soapAction=""/>
<tns3:binding xsi:type="tns3:tBinding"
transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" style="document"/>
Edit this bug report at http://pecl.php.net/bugs/bug.php?id=11004&edit=1
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To post to this group, send email to phpsoa-/***@public.gmane.org
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to phpsoa-unsubscribe-/***@public.gmane.org
For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.co.uk/group/phpsoa?hl=en